Friday, December 4, 2015

The Robertson Family 2015

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Another great year is in the books! Our 2015 adventures ranged from riding the NYC subway, visiting the Outer Banks, enduring a tick-infested hike in Wisconsin, seeing Mt. Rushmore, dirt bike
riding/ATV-ing in the Nevada mountains, to finally fixing a mini-van transmission.

LEE enjoyed visited his home town, Ely, twice this year. He continues to shine in the handyman department and gutted his first bathroom!

RUTH did her first drywall project in the said gutted bathroom. She didn't hang the drywall, but did a tiny bit of taping, lots of mudding and oodles of sanding. This fall Ruth headed the fall fundraiser at the elementary school.

CLARK, 12, had a landmark year! He received the Aaronic Priesthood, attended the temple for the first time, and enjoyed a father/son trip to the Priesthood session in Utah.
Don't be surprised if you find him eating a can of sardines! He officially passed up his mom in height.

CAL, 10, is the big 5th grader at the elementary school! This summer he was quite
pleased that he was tall enough to ride down the pool slides. He loves
cousin time, summertime, and is starting to enjoy piano time.

SHANNA, 8,was one excited girl for her baptism day! She buys practical things with her earned work money like a dog leash to use on willing friends and siblings (and real dogs at cousins'), along with elastic bandage wraps for when her bones "pretend" to break. HALEY, 8, also loved her baptism! She can hold her own in a game of Pokemon, loves getting her nails painted, and is all about comfort--not fashion.

ELDEN,5, is now in 1st grade. Staying true to his birth order as the "baby", he still loves to cuddle. He now participates in the weekly kid jobs and enjoys the increased pay.

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and holiday season.
We love our Savior, Jesus Christ! He lives!