Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Robertson Family 2011

Robertson Family Photo 2011

This has been a big year for the Robertson's!  Earlier this year we made a couple of trips out to Virginia to find a place to work and live for when we got out of the Army.  The first time down we had it narrowed down to a specific area in Virginia, but still no job.  This happened to be our second trip to the Shenandoah Valley ever and we had a couple of interviews lined up.  Neither turned out to be something we were really interested in, although, that is when we heard about Dr. Downey's office in Elkton.  We didn't go look at it or go see Elkton that trip though because we weren't really interested in buying a practice (or at least we weren't interested in borrowing a lot of money).

We broadened our search and started to find several possibilities, one of which was Dr. Downey's practice in Elkton.  The price was right and the town sounded just like what we were looking for.  Our second trip this year to Virginia was mainly to meet Dr. Downey, see his office, and look around Elkton.  Lee also interviewed with another group practice in Harrisonburg but in the end decided that having our own place was what we were ultimately working towards anyway. 

To start the summer off Lee took Clark and Cal to Six Flags!  It was super fun, but Clark was a little frustrated that Cal didn't want to go on all the rides he did.  Now he knows how Dad feels.  It was also nice that the kids had coupons and they went on the 4th of July weekend so Lee got in free with his military ID.

Later this summer we had a combined Thompson and Bartholomew family reunion.  The Thompson part was in Nauvoo IL and the Bartholomew part was at our house in Missouri.  We had a great time and enjoyed being around family.  Over 40 people stayed at our house there!  The reunion ended with Clark's big day.  He turned 8 this year and was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!

The day after the reunion we finished packing up to move out to Elkton.  For the last two to three months we had been looking at places to rent online.  As we started searching we felt like there were at least a small handful of options for us to rent when we moved, but one by one they fell through.  This left us with no place to move just one week before leaving Missouri and getting out of the Army!  Ultimately, it was Ruth that saved the day.  She found a house that had been listed for sale and the sellers had decided to just rent it instead since they hadn't had any offers.  We sent them an application and three days before we buckled our seats in the moving truck we solidified the deal! 

Of course, as you can imagine that has only been the beginning of our drama!  We've had plenty more as the boys have started at a new school, and starting and running our own business!  

Lee has been having a good time getting the practice set up.  A big thanks to Jeff Heit for designing our logo and Mike Erekson for developing our website.  Lee was blessed with two very good employees that had worked for Dr. Downey before he retired.  We all just got together for our very first Elkton Eyecare Christmas Party last week!  We hope to have many many more.  Until the business gets on its feet Lee has been able to work twice a week at a Walmart (Ruth likes to tell people Lee is a greeter) Vision Center 45 minutes south of us.  It's a lot longer commute than the minute and 45 second bike ride Lee's used to here in Elkton. 

This year Ruth has perfected the art of many things.  For one, she is a master dessert maker (and we are all master dessert eaters).  She has also mastered "The Dinner Roll" and French bread.  Of course she has just about perfected the art of  fugality.  As you may know a dollar bill is 6 inches wide.  Ruth has found ways to stretch it to at least 8 inches!  One thing that she has done very well this year is conserve on gas!  We each have a bike trailer (plus the girls learned to ride bikes this year right around their 4th birthday!!) and she and the kids ride or walk to school, ride to the store, the library, etc!  Lee's had several people comment in his office that they've seen Ruth riding around town with her little ducklings in tow. Since moving here Ruth has also joined the PTA and volunteers at the school three times a week while Lee is home for lunch so she can help out doing little jobs for the teachers. She is also serving in the Relief Society as the activity coordinator and as a primary teacher (her first calling ever in primary).  

Clark and Cal seem to be getting used to school.  Clark started Cub Scouts which he really likes.  Lee (besides being in the Elder's Quorum Presidency, again) has been asked to serve as the Cub Scout Committee Chair.  Both he and Clark are looking forward to the Pinewood Derby!  Both the boys still love to play with Legos, ride bikes and play outside.  Clark has turned into quite the reader!  Cal is learning and doing a great job at it too.

Once a month one of us takes each of the kids on a date.  Pretty much everybody likes to go get a treat, but Cal likes to go down to the river and throw rocks.

Shanna and Haley are getting ready for kindergarten.  Ruth is still dreading the day they have to go to school.  Shanna likes to be Ruth's little helper around the house and has developed a strong affinity toward certain items in her wardrobe.  Haley and Cal play a lot together.  Elden has been a very cheery, playful, happy person to be around all year round.  It's too bad he has to grow up.  He still loves to snuggle and Ruth loves that. At least he can't ride a bike yet (although we did catch him costing a few feet at a time on the scooter this fall).

Congratulations!  You made it to the end - unless you just skipped to the end to get the gist of what's been going on in our lives this year.  If that's the case, I'll indulge you a little since that's probably what I would have done.  Three of our kids learned to ride bikes this Spring, Clark got baptized, and we got out of the military in August.  We miss our Missouri friends. We moved to Elkton, Virginia where Lee bought an old optometry practice that had been closed for two years.  We are all still alive and healthy and excited for 2012.  The gospel of Jesus Christ gives us peace and hope. It is wonderful to know that our Savior lives and loves each of us.