Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Robertson Family 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone!

As Christmas draws near, we want to share some highlights of the past year with all of you.

Lee: I'M DONE WITH SCHOOL!!!!...but not with learning, that's for sure. I graduated from the Southern College of Optometry May 2nd this year and celebrated the girls first birthday the same day. After taking a trip to visit just about everybody in our immediate family I got ready for my Officer Basic Course in San Antonio TX. The worse part about Officer Basic was being away from my family for 2 months; the best part was that it was Officer basic training and not your traditional basic training. After my Officer training we all moved out to Ft. Leonard Wood Missouri. I am one of 4 O.D.'s here on base. Two-three of us work in the hospital practicing traditional primary eye care. One-two of us work in a different clinic where all the day-one Privates are being processed for basic training. On most days we have over 250 Privates go through that clinic. We also have some open hours for walk-in exams before and after we see the day-one privates. I do have to say that it's been...umm...interesting seeing the Drill Sergeants...umm...shall we say "molding" the new recruits into soldiers. Keith, I don't know how you did it! You're one tough musician.

Ruth: Lee is done with SCHOOL! I am grateful for his opportunities for himself and our family with his schooling, but it sure is nice to have lots of time with him. I'm thankful we are settled for awhile and I love living on base. After four moves in about a year and a half, it's nice to know we'll stay put for a few years. It's fun being in a big, seven bedroom house. And it's funny thinking that just last year all six of us were in a 750 square foot, two bedroom apartment! Some of my favorite things to do are being with Lee and my family, blogging, working on my budget, getting out of debt and being with my extended family.

Clark: This year I've moved a lot and had to meet new friends only to say good-bye again. It's been rough but I'm glad we can stay where we're at for a while. My big news this year is that I've done the opposite of my dad and STARTED SCHOOL!! I started out in Ms. Mansfield's class in Clayton NC and when we moved to Ft. Leonard Wood I joined Ms. Gan's class. I've really liked learning to read this year. There's still a lot I don't know but it's been nice to put that silly alphabet song I've been singing practically my whole life to good use. I love P.E. day but am not so excited about Music or Art day, although I'm liking them more than I used to. I really like to play with my friends outside and there are even a few that live close to us that are in my class at school. When I can't play with my friends I like to either watch movies, look at my dad's optometric equipment, or build extravagant and life-like models of spaceships using boring and lifeless Lego's.

Cal: I am three now and quite the big boy. My English has improved greatly this year, but I still favor some Spanish words. Don't tell my parents, but I am really good at sneaking food from the refrigerator--especially the good stuff like yogurt and whipped topping. I am thankful for trains and I like bugs too. I let a worm crawl on my shirt this fall because he was my little buddy and I thought he was cute. Nursery is great, and I am sure I will like Primary too come January.

Shanna: I have survived my family for 18 months so far. I really like following and helping my mom. I put clothes in the washer and the dryer and help unload the dishwasher. And I really like to throw away garbage. My parents recently discovered my great liking for clothes. I love wearing my pretty dresses to church. I'm never to young to have an interest in something! I also love brushing my teeth. (Daddy's nose is fun to bite too.) Between you and me, if I can I like to crawl out of my crib and into Haley's crib. It's fun having a best friend at 18 months.

Haley: Well, this year I've learned almost everything I know, so obviously it's been a lot more eventful for me than for you. For the most part (and I do mean most) I am a happy little girl - although I can be quite shy and have drastic mood changes at times. I like to wave good-bye to anybody and anything that seems to be moving away from me. I'm probably the fastest arm-folder out of all my siblings when it's time to pray. I like to jump up at all the proper cues whenever somebody sings "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam". I'm quite good at immitating car and truck engine noices which comes in handy when playing with Clark and Cal. Unlike my sister, I LOVE watching TV. This worries my parents, but I don't see what the big deal is. I love being a twin and giving Shanna hugs. I think the world would be a better place if everybody had a twin sister like me.

We feel so blessed as a family for Lee's job, our good health, our family and friends, and especially to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives. We are so thankful for the birth and life of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We love this time of year to celebrate His birth. It is comforting to know that our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, love us and are so mindful of our needs, wants and desires.

A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to each of you!