Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Robertson Family 2017


LEE-Recently completed his 2nd year as a counselor in the Bishopric-he hasn't been fired yet! This year Lee spent 3 weekends completing extra training in vision therapy, a needed service to his patients. A new optical is in the works which will be completed by 2018. He's ventured into mountain bike riding during the morning dark hours while seminary is held. Lee, all his siblings, parents & family enjoyed a big reunion this summer in Southern Utah. Lee helped the Chevy acquire more miles in 2017; the family has now visited all 48 contiguous states.

RUTH-Loved traveling to a 1st ever sisters' weekend, & to her old stomping grounds/birth place in Minnesota.  Also for the 1st time she is a counselor in the Primary Presidency while phasing out as the Scout Committee Chair. Ruth volunteers at the elementary school, sticking to copying. She still updates her blog but is considering blog alternatives.

CLARK, 14-Traveled to Nicaragua in January with Lee & Ruth for a vision service mission. He & Ruth spent time handing out glasses to Nicas & enjoyed seeing sites with the island Lee served on during his church mission. Clark's transition to high school was seamless.  He loved marching band & often brings home random instruments like a bassoon, a flugelhorn, & a guitar. Recently he acquired a melodica. He enjoys his early morning religion class--"seminary" (plus the breakfast he gets every morning!), plays keyboard in Jazz Band & is wrapping up his Eagle Scout.

CAL, 12-The lone child at middle school! Highlights include receiving the Aaronic Priesthood, attending the temple several times & flying with Lee to SLC for General Conference.  He loves to save his lunch money which has turned into quite the little money stash. Sometimes Cal forgets to bring a lunch which results in bumming food from classmates, much to his parents' chagrin. He participated in track this past spring & plays the trumpet in band. Cal & Elden are quite the buddies enjoying bike rides, jaunts to "the river" & horsing around in non-"horse" areas.

SHANNA, 10-Enjoying 5th grade. She loves playing with her best friend who conveniently lives next door, participating in ongoing gymnastic classes, & depending on the week, likes piano. She's already planned out her future career as a vision therapist. Lee wishes she was old enough to hire right now! Special memories include summer camping, kayaking with cousins & wearing creepy contact lenses to school for Halloween. (Lee won the cool dad award!)

HALEY, 10-Also in 5th grade, of course! Haley endured quite the time with her upper left front tooth this year. After slipping on the ice breaking it in half in January, it broke again this summer at the family reunion in Utah.  Life moved forward for her though with playing soccer this fall (no teeth were harmed!), petting sting rays on a field trip (Shanna enjoyed that too!), participating in the school's spelling bee (thankfully spelling doesn't harm teeth) & diving into lots of reading.  Figuratively, of course. Her love for horses/unicorns has not diminished but grown.

ELDEN, 8-Was baptized in March! He bought his 1st mountain bike with his savings & surprisingly, cough cough, has fond memories of a 7-mile family bike ride in West Virginia over Spring Break. Elden & Cal started waking up early recently all on their own (Mom didn't appreciate the 6am trampoline jumping).  Elden also started mowing the lawn this fall after much begging & pleading...from him! 3rd grade seems to be going well & he often prays to get As & Bs in his classes.
We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas as we celebrate the reason for the season, 
Jesus Christ, our Savior & Redeemer.